About Redd

Redd verb
:(Scottish, Irish): put something in order; tidy-usually used with up or out;

Redd noun
:a hollow or spawning ground of various fishes.

Redd by Paul Carroll is an on going photography series which explores how people and communities within the island of Ireland interact with a selection of the 70000km of waterways contained in the 3192 inland water bodies.

The summer of 2018 saw persistent high temperatures, prolonged periods without rainfall and water restrictions throughout Ireland for the first time in decades. With river levels reaching record lows components often hidden within the water environment came into focus.

Utilising vantage points along canals, rivers and bridges Redd captures peoples oft-times adverse interaction within fluvial environs. It reveals a transient series of everyday items which exhibits the cross socio-economic nature of seasonal throw away culture.

Adverse environmental interaction within water systems is a global phenomenon which Carroll localises within the Irish water landscape. He seeks to create a coherent and questioning series around the topic of human environmental and biological cohesion in the face of pervasive throw away culture.